Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cherry Blossoms!

Woohoo!  The cherry tree is blooming!!  It’s half dead but it looks so pretty in the spring!  And we’ve never had a cherry problem because the cedar waxwings and other critters get them. 

It smells sooooo good!
Cedar Waxwing - they're so pretty!

Had an interesting visit tonight from Amanda’s mom. She didn’t know about the boys over her house Friday night and was appropriately pissed at Amanda about that.  We had a nice chat with the girls about not holding grudges, etc.  Then she had them hug & apologize to each other.  I have to respect her for that.  Angel hadn’t mentioned anything going on at school or on the bus, but I guess there has been.  So maybe they’ll be friends again.  I really can't be mad at her - she thinks too much like I do! 

OMG, Monday was so crazy at work!  Paul asked me to stay until 5 and I didn’t get a chance to even have lunch until 1:30 or look at my own work until 4:15 !!!  Yesterday wasn’t quite as insane – whew!  Today he was telling Geri that I did a great job & no one missed her, etc.  I yelled across the room that I missed her a whole lot!!  She was busy today so I didn’t get a chance to talk with her and find out if I really messed anything up.  Hope not!

Alrighty, it’s official!  The Dancer’s Only Elite Starz, All Starz and whatever the little kids are called are competing next weekend!!  At the Showbiz National Talent Competition in Lansing.  If I read the schedule correctly, small group tap is the first event Saturday morning and small group jazz is around 10:15.  They have a trio going, too and they’ll be early afternoon, so we should be home Saturday evening.  Woohoo!  I do believe we’ll be getting a room Friday night so we don’t have to be up at some ungodly hour Saturday to get there.  I’m going to ask one of the other Moms if they want to share a room. 

So anyway, I believe we have everything she needs.  Costumes, required makeup, fake eyelashes, tights, jewelry.  And for the recital, last night we just got her excessively ugly Converse high tops for hip-hop and tonight we got her jean capris for the company production dance.  Rhonda is supposed to order shirts for them.  Sigh. 

Recital tickets go on sale Saturday.  Siren test Saturday.  Mother’s Day on Sunday.  Dress rehearsal is Monday for competition.  Pictures are Tuesday evening.  The following week Angel gets her top braces.  It’s getting to be that crazy time of year!!

Also scored a couple more future potion bottles for Halloween.  There are 2 things I will be on the lookout for this summer.  Something like a bakers rack – a wire shelf of some sort to display my bottles in the kitchen (so it can’t be too big, but big enough) and also a mortar & pestle.  Of course I will be making labels for my awesome bottles and I’m getting ideas of what to put in some of them.  I saw on H’ween Forum that dryer lint makes nice “rat hair”.
I love that pitcher - it looks like wood, but is porcelain.
 The colors aren't showing to their best advantage here.
I'm thinking that giant candlestick will look cool on a tombstone.

OMG, I was totally inspired today at work.  I actually stopped working and started jotting down ideas & sketches.  I’m going to make “sentries” to put on each side of the driveway or maybe the front door.   They’re going to be identical PVC forms bulked up with lots of chicken wire to make them BIG.  I haven’t decided if I’m going to try paper mache or just get those fake carvable pumpkins, but they’ll be carved similarly.  They’ll be wearing red shirts with “30” and “35” on them.  Of course their names will be Chris & Jimmy.  Yes – I’m making Red Wing’s goalies.  I’m hoping I can carve or make the JOLs to look like goalie masks.  I have plenty of time to figure that out.    

I'm tired of all this Bin Laden BS.  Tired of seeing his creepy face on all the news channels & websites.  I truly don't think the President did crap.  He may have given permission for the Seals to do something, but I didn't hear about him personally risking his life to make it happen.  Whatever.  I'm wondering if Bin L had a second in command that's just as nutso as he was, who may start causing all sorts of havoc in retaliation.  That was a brilliant idea to bury him at sea, so the crazy followers don't have a place to gather & worship or whatever crazy people do.  I hope they dumped him off the fantail of the Vinson with the rest of the ship's trash.
Can't help but be proud of the Seals anyway.  Go Navy!

Intermission should be over, so I’m going to watch finish watching Round 2, Game 3!!  The Wings let the first 2 games slide by, they need to fight tonight, since they’re at home!
A random fern that has rooted in the fork of the cherry tree. 

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