August 13 was my one year anniversary with WW, so I decided to take a couple weeks off my plan to recharge and get my head back in the game (cue High School Musical song)
I'm going to wait til Angel goes back to school in 2 weeks and I'll go back. My last membership package was up and instead of renewing, I'm taking a little break.
So when I go back, I'm going to pretend like it's all new to me and act like I've never done WW before. I'l get the new member bag with all the books & such and actually read them this time. Its been so discouraging the past couple months staying within the same 4 pounds, that I got to the point that I didn't want to go to the meetings.
Carol, my leader, gave me the idea when she told us about this woman who'd done just that when she'd hit a plateau after losing over 100 pounds. That story really stuck in my mind and maybe it will help me.
I'm still sticking mostly to the plan, a silent testimony to the fact that it's become a habit. That's not a bad thing, tho!
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