Hi, my name is Lisa and I am a taphophile.
Sheesh, that sounds bad! But the definition is one who is interested in in funerals, gravestone art, epitaphs, cemeteries. I love to visit old cemeteries and take pictures of the stones and art I find there.
Don't think I'm alone in my weirdness! There are lots of pages and groups on Facebook dedicated to cemetery art, and blogs, too. I include it in my blog,
Maple Grove Cemetery. I can't write about Halloween year-round, so this helps fill in the blanks!
You have to admit - some of the stones and statues in cemeteries are absolutely fantastic! I love the history and peace I find when I'm out wandering. And I find it amazing that these beautiful works of art have been carved out of stone! Especially the really old ones.
Romeo Cemetery, Romeo MI
Romeo Cemetery
St. Lawrence Catholic Cemetery, Utica MI
St. Lawrence Catholic Cemetery
Van Hoosen-Jones Cemetery, Rochester Hills MI
Van Hoosen-Jones Cemetery
Van Hoosen-Jones Cemetery
yes, I do get choked up for the little ones.
Maple Grove Cemetery, Empire MI
(We visited 6 real Maple Grove Cemeteries while on vacation!)
Maple Grove, Empire
Maple Grove, Empire
Oak Hill Cemetery, Pontiac MI
Oak Hill Cemetery
It seems to me that the older cemeteries are the most interesting. The one my Dad is buried (filed? He's in a mausoleum / file cabinet thingy) is very park-like with pretty statues, but all the stones are flush with the ground. One day I'd love to go to London to explore
Highgate Cemetery - totally on my bucket list! And also
Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, GA.