Welcome to the last day of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge!
My theme is things that entertain and/or inspire me.
Why not?
This is one of my favorite monster trucks.
We just saw him last month in Toledo.
Welcome to the last day of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge!
My theme is things that entertain and/or inspire me.
Why not?
This is one of my favorite monster trucks.
We just saw him last month in Toledo.
Welcome to Day 24 of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge!
My theme is things that inspire and/or entertain me.
But today's letter doesn't fall in either of those categories.
The fear of the color yellow.
Welcome to day 23 of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge!
My theme is things that inspire and/or entertain me.
My train of thought went several different directions for W.
So we'll just listen to some tunes.
Welcome to Day 22 of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge.
My theme this year is things that inspire and/or entertain me.
I'm going to revisit a past V post since I can add to it now.
Welcome to Day 20 of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge!
My theme this year is things that entertain / inspire me.
Today is Taphophilia. There are many different definitions, but this is basically the deep interest of cemeteries & headstones.
So I am a taphophile. Or "tombstone tourist". I see some places describe it as an "unnatural" or "morbid" attraction to cemeteries. I don't think so. I enjoy going to cemeteries because they're peaceful. I enjoy the art and history that goes along with them. And judging by the number of Facebook groups I see out there, I'm definitely not the only one out there!
I've never been scared at a cemetery, either. There's been a few little things that have happened, like one time I was out with Sis1, very early in the spring. The only thing growing was a bunch of daffodils (which don't have much scent) on the other side of the small cemetery. We were looking at some stones when I suddenly caught of whiff of perfume as if someone walked past me. There was no breeze and neither Sis1 or I had any on. So I feel that the someone was maybe thanking us for stopping by to visit. Other times I've been drawn to certain stones, where I feel the need to stop for a moment and wonder about their lives.
I do listen to gut feelings. If I get the feeling to not touch something - I don’t! I was recently at a cemetery in Ohio and went to pick up a small stone that was laying face down… stopped right away and left it. Another time I was at the cemetery that belonged to a “Home for the Feeble-Minded” and made sure I thanked everyone out loud for the visit and asked that no one followed us (Sis1 was with me).
Here are a few of my favorite stones.
I haven't seen too many veteran stones with ships on them.
The Queen City was a steamer acquired by the Union Navy during the Civil War and used as a gunboat to patrol the Confederate rivers to prevent trade. In June of 1864, she was disabled by 2 regiments of Confederate cavalry and blown up. Henry appears to have been 14 when that happened.
Welcome to Day 19 of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge!
My theme this year is things that entertain and/or inspire me.
Today it's all about search & rescue. Specifically, what it takes to become a member of my team.
Yes - we look for people!! You wouldn't believe how many times we've been asked ~what~ we look for!
I joined the Lapeer County Search & Rescue team when it was first being put together by the Lapeer County Sherriff's Department back in 2018. Sis1 went to the informational meeting and I tagged along for moral support. For shitz & gigglez, I applied and was accepted, even tho I don't live in the county.
Welcome to day 18 of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge!
My theme this year is things in that inspire and/or entertain me.
So let's go riding. Also known as Equine Therapy!
I don't think any further explanation is needed.