Thursday, April 13, 2017

Skywatch Friday 4/14/17

Is this really my first Skywatch post of the year??  Wow.  Where have I been??

Anyhooo, I link up with all the good folks over at Skywatch Friday and join with people all over the world who share photos of the glorious sky and views, because....why not?  

I confess to having 1000 picutres of the sunrise from the parking lot at work.  That's one of the perks of having an early start-time!  But one day, I wasn't able to make it into work, I saw the sky in my rear-view mirror and had to stop at a park.  
I was pretty awe-struck. 
 Sorry about the lights from the ballpark! 
 ...a few minutes later.
When I finally decided I needed to go, pulling back out onto the street. 

Why do photos never really do sunrises / sunsets justice???



  1. While I am sure that the pictures don't do it justice, I can imagine how wonderful it was!
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  2. These are beautiful sky shots. And I agree, straight-out-of-the-camera shots NEVER seem to look as good as what your eye experienced. I can only imagine how beautiful these were "live and in-person"!!


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