Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Houston Chronicles, Part 4 ... 5/30

Today was the trip that I was looking forward to the most!  
The Johnson Space Center!!
The shuttle is a mock-up but the plane is real.
Inside the plane.
Inside the "shuttle"
The actual Access Arm that the Challenger Crew walked on.

There were lots of cool things to see.  We watched a movie on the Apollo launches and saw all kinds of memorabilia, suits that astronauts wore, etc, etc, etc.  Cool stuff. 
We missed the last tram tour to see the grounds of the Space Center, so we were kinda bummed about that.  

This was a whole day of awesome, check back for part 5 - the Battleship Texas!



  1. Very interesting! How cool to actually be able to get up inside. Loving the Houston Chronicles!

    1. Thanks! There's no way I could have made just one post about it, I couldn't have chosen just a couple pic from each day!


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