Lisa (3/1/13)
Eeek, I never did post my 13 in 13 update last week. Let me at least do this much....

This is my WW eTools progress report. I vowed to post this weekly. There is my 2.6 lb loss!
Now onto the fun stuff!
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section over at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Blogger to Blogger
1. Does your blog have one overwhelming theme? Yes. It's all about my roller-coaster journey of losing weight & getting fit.
2. How did you come up with the theme(s) for your blog? Was it intentional? I started out with kind of a personal / weight loss theme & then decided to split them. Now I have 3 blogs total. This one, Random Ramblings & Maple Grove Cemetery (Halloween-themed)
3. Share something cool that has happened in your life as a result of blogging. Hmm. I can't think of anything spectacular. It is pretty neat to look back at My Work in Progress and see how far I've come since I joined WW many moons ago.
4. How much time to do spend reading blogs everyday? Probably 30-45 minutes. I need to stop just staying on Google Reader and actually go to the blogs so I can see their layout & get the full experience.
5. Do you blog on the weekends? Sometimes. We have 2 computers on 2 desks but only one chair. So if hubby is doing radio stuff at his desk or (the ultimate in annoying) instead of moving all the crap piled up on his desk, he will use mine to remotely access his computer and do whatever it is he does. I'll have to use my netbook, but I don't have access to my photo albums from there!
6. Do you keep track of your stats? Do they matter to you? I look at them once in a while, and I find it highly entertaining to see what people search for and find my blogs.
7. How do you decide how much to share about your personal life? I share quite a bit here, but my big rants & tangents are usually on RR.
8. Do you aspire to be a writer, or did blogging happen for some other reason? I don't remember how or why I decided to start blogging. At the beginning, I'd only write once a month or longer, so my posts were novel-like. I've gotten better.
9. As a blogger, do you think it’s more important to write for yourself, or for your readers? I think I do a little of both. I like to tell stories as if I were telling someone else, but some of it is also a journal for myself.
10. What kind of plans do you have for the future of your blog? I can't imagine any of them being much more than they are now. I'm mostly happy with what I have.
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions. Don’t forget to head over and link up in the comments. Happy Monday!
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