Monday, May 4, 2015

A-Z Reflections post

Yay!  The 4th year doing the A - Z Challenge has come to a close.  I'm pretty proud of myself for having all my posts (on 2 blogs!) written & scheduled mostly ahead of time.  This was actually a really easy theme - telling sea stories from my Navy days.  I even did 2 posts for a couple letters since it was tough to keep them a manageable length.  And I still have topics I could write about!

I am rather ashamed at how crappy I was with replying back to commenters in a timely fashion and I didn't visit nearly enough other participants.  Sincere apologies being sent out!  I don't know why life just seems to get insane during the spring, or maybe just April in general?  I don't know.  But I promise to still go back and make my replies and I'll be hopping on the road trip to hopefully redeem myself somewhat.

I participated in the Twitter chat each Thursday afternoon.  I learned about the fabulous wonders of Tweetdeck and the people I chatted with are the first blogs I'm going to go visit!

Other than that, I think the hosts & their minions do an outstanding job and I can't think of anything that I'd change about the challenge.

~hanging head in shame~ I'd be able to do some blog shout-outs if I'd visited more of them.  I was even getting behind in my regular Bloglovin' feed!   I really appreciate how many categories there are in the sign up linky.  I confess to staying away somewhat from the book reviewers and writer blogs.  I blog for shitz & gigglez and they're like hardcore authors, so they are kind of intimidating to me.  I don't know why I feel that way!

Yes, I will be doing it again next year.  I'll start a new spreadsheet on my Google Drive and jot down ideas and topics as they come to me throughout the year.



  1. Loved meeting you on the #azchats, Lisa! Glad we converted you to Tweetdeck - it really does make everything better! :)

  2. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!


  3. Hello there.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge! I didn't get to visit your blogs during the crazy month of April so I'm popping over today from the Road Trip/Reflections linky.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess


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