Just some thoughts that have been floating around in my head....
Gratuitous sunrise picture from the parking lot at work.
Who is the rocket scientist who thought it would be a good idea to make a front-hook bra in anything larger than an A cup??? Since I'd already found a bra that I liked, I went back and got several more in what I thought was the same style, just different colors. Nope. One of them is a front hook. With 2 little bitty hooks. It fits nicely - but all it takes is one wrong movement to pop the damn thing open at the most inappropriate time (like at the mall)! Or I'll find that one or the other hook has come undone. Grr.
I was inspired to sign up for LinkedIn when one of the dispatchers at work told me she was approached with a job offer on that site (and accepted it). So I did (and discovered about 2/3 the company is on there, too!!) I was reading an article on there the other night and it got me thinking that I'm really not good at anything. Good like "expert", where someone would actually seek me out for advice. I feel I'm competent at my job, but it's just that. A job. I can do the whole backstage dance mom thing with hair & makeup & costumes. I'm confident around horses and all their gear. I can cook OK. I'm no Bob Vila, but I can use power tools. I know a decent amount about cars. I can grow an adequate flower garden in my yard. The problem is.. I'm not passionate about any of it. What do I want to do with my life???? Can I make a living with Halloween?

Speaking of hair - I stopped at the Salvation Army and bought this Barbie doll head so I could learn how to do Dutch braids. Now I won't feel like a useless lump when there are 30 girls trying to get ready for a competition and have to wait around for someone to do their hair in these braids. Only a few people knew how to do it last year, so I'll be right in the thick of things this year! I had to watch a couple YouTube videos, but got the basics down. Soon I'll graduate from doll head to Angel's head! The first competition is in 2 weeks, I'll have it down.

With my assistant Rusty.
I signed up to do a 'Spread the Love' gift exchange on the Blended Blog with other bloggers. I'm pretty excited about this since my giftee is on the opposite side of the country. I really hope she likes what I found. I made a point of going to a non-chain type store to shop. I totally got sucked into reading her blog, too. I'll be doing a post on the whole shebang on Feb 26 when we share the love!
So I've been looking into Veteran's Organizations. I've only been a fat & happy civilian for almost 18 years now so I don't know why I feel the need NOW to look into these, but I am. Last summer when I needed to get my drivers license renewed, I did get my veteran status noted right on it - so I don't have to mess with carrying around personal documents & risking losing them. But all I've done is get my 10% at Lowe's with it.
Last spring, I went on a road trip to Cincinnati / Houston to meet up with my 2 bestest partners-in-crime from my first boat. Gin (who was only in for 2 years) acts like she'd done 20+ years, taking every advantage she possibly can of her veteran status and Laura (who did 6 or 7 years) isn't quite as bad, but still does her share. There's nothing wrong with it, the benefits are there to use, so why not?? But I haven't. And they both plan their Veteran's Day activities on where they're going to get free food!!!
So I'm weighing my options and I'm kind of leaning towards the VFW, just because I didn't have to search all over their website for info about women veterans (and I find it hilarious that they have a thing called the Military Order of the Cootie)! Several years ago, when Angel & I were involved in Girl Scouts, the local VFW post welcomed our troop at their Veteran's Day service and I had a nice chat with the post commander then, who invited me to join. Soooo, yeah.
I talked to a lady Marine before who belonged to the American Legion and she encouraged me to join them since there aren't many females who are active members. I wish I could have spent more time chatting with her, but a blood drive isn't really a good time to chat. My brother belongs to Amvets but I don't like how they would group me in with the ladies auxiliary. I don't know who thought THAT would be a good idea, but it's NOT. Veterans & civilian family members are very different,
especially females.
Is it weird that I wonder how my veteran headstone will read? My name was Owens when I went in, King when I got out & is Love now.

I sat there at work yesterday & watched the owner's wife & our operations director clean & purge the dispatch office. I really want to do this at home, but we have so much stuff in the house that all I do is move things from one place to another. I thought about renting a storage place for a couple months, just to get some stuff out of the way so I can figure out what I need to do. But then I wasn't sure exactly what I'd put in there. So why bother?
I am happy that I FINALLY got all the Christmas stuff put out in the garage & things are looking back to normal. The Angela Wall is back (I have photo shelving on one wall with 5x7s of her in ALL of her costumes from last season) I take all her pics down for the holidays, so I can put decorations up on those shelves. They're perfect for nutcrackers!
This is both a blessing & a curse. The many holes are filled in, yes, but until it's packed down, the patching is loose & gravelly and gets thrown up onto your windshield.
Is it still a pot "hole" if it reaches across the entire lane?
Tonight is the Bowling Fundraiser for the dance studio. It's always a fun time! The Booster Club lady asked for a list of baskets & things that people are offering to donate so we don't have duplicates & such. I was reading the list & commented to Angel that I was considering a "date night" basket filled with sex toys & lube & edible panties & such. Her answer was "MOTHER!!!! This is an event for CHILDREN!!"

In reality, I'm doing 2 small baskets - a dog & a cat one, each with treats & toys & a gift card to Petsmart. Not as cool as the Red Wings tickets or the giant "Spirit" basket filled with booze, but nice enough.
What goes thru your mind?

First time here! I think you should think creatively with your talents - are there two (or more) you could combine to offer a unique service? I think a day for all of us to give vets a free meal a few times a day is the least we could do! You deserve our appreciation.
ReplyDeleteLook forwoard to seeing more of your stuff through The Peaceful Posse!
Aw, thanks! Hmmm, I'd have to think about that. It's tough to find something fulfilling I'd want to make a career out of!
DeleteLook forward to reading more of you, too!
I love that you bought that barbie head to practice braids. Dutch braids are hard for sure. These random thoughts are great!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Angel & I laugh because she can't do French braids on herself, she always does the Dutch ones and I'm opposite.
DeleteI love stream of consciousness type posts! Sometimes it feels good to just get everything on your mind out of your head! I signed up for the Spread the Love exchange too, I'm excited to see what everyone gets! It's so fun doing blog exchanges! I hope you have a great weekend :)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure it was your blog that I first saw the Blended Blog on, so I can thank you for bringing it to my attention!
DeleteYouTube is awesome for beauty tutorials!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a big help when it came to these braids, that's for sure!
DeleteYour snuggly fur babies are adorable :) I love random thoughts posts—they are my favorites to read :)
ReplyDeleteOoh, I can’t wait to see what you get with the gift exchange! Those are always so much fun! Also I, too, have a habit of moving stacks of things from one corner of the room to another lol. Hopefully this weekend I am really clean up some of those annoying paper piles.
Hope you have a great weekend :)
Wellll, didn't get much done inside, but I was productive outside! We don't usually have upper 40s in January in Michigan, so I was taking advantage of that!
DeleteOoh I live right outside Cincinnati! :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you have fun with the blog exchange. I do love doing them when I can; you meet some great people that way!!!
I have found some pretty awesome blogs thru linkups & now thru this gift exchange.
DeleteDon't forget to get your Veteran's discount at Michaels Arts and Crafts store!
ReplyDeleteOoo, I knew about the one at Joann Fabrics, I didn't know about Michael's!! That could be dangerous for my bank account....
DeleteThe baskets sound great - I made up a puppy basket a while ago and it was so much fun getting the goodies together :)
ReplyDeleteYour furbabies look so sweet in that picture.