Today was the last "official" day of summer vacation #1 for Miss Angel. She starts summer school tomorrow until August 2. And she gets to take 2 classes! So by August, she will have science coming out of her ears. Yay!
This also means the she won't be on the school dance team. I let Coach C. know when we got the letter about the second class & she said Angel would be missing too many practices and wouldn't know any of the dances for football season, so she would not be able to be on the team but try again for basketball season. She must do things different than Coach D., because last year they'd learn a dance in 3 or 4 practices. But anyhoooo. I really thought Angel would be upset about it, but she wasn't. She seemed to take a really long time to read the email, but then she was like "I'm not giving back the shorts & shoes I just got today!" Well, no. I paid for those, they're not issued! I frankly am relieved that we don't have to deal with it. For some reason I was stressed & not having a good feeling about the team this year anyway. I don't know what it was.
On a happy note, we went & registered her for summer classes at the studio. They're offering acro classes for the first time so she was all about that! Then her usual tap, jazz, leaps & turns and technique. At the end of the session are try-outs for the comp team. She can't wait to get back dancing! Apparently a lot of the girls are.
Friday after work, I dropped her off at a friend's house for the weekend. Taylor's dad got free tickets to Cedar Point and they asked her to go. So Randy & I had a date night. Dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise, then browsing at Garden Ridge & finally ice cream at our favorite little stand.
Happily - Garden Ridge is slowly beginning to get their Halloween / Fall stuff out. I really don't know why people were looking at me funny!
This guy came home with us. They don't have regular sales, so I knew the price wouldn't be any lower than what it is. So why not? He's no longer buckled in my back seat. He's not chilling in the garage in a lawn chair!
Saturday, Randy went to go play radio at Field Day at the Weather Service Office. I got up with him & as soon as he left, I went for a 2.3 mile bike ride, came home & got the dog. Took him on a 1.3 mile walk (I love MapMyWalk!). Probably not a good idea to do this on an empty stomach, since I felt weak when I got home. Anyway. I stopped to eat on the way to got to Home Depot / Salvation Army / Ace Hardware. Then I came home & worked on a couple projects.
Randy texted me that afternoon with a list of items to bring out to him. I timed my visit to coincide with the evening weather balloon launch at the Weather Service. It's neat.
The mobile antenna farm with the big Doppler radar dome in the background.
Getting ready to launch the weather balloon!
On the way home from there, I stopped at what I thought would be a dinky little cemetery that I've passed every time I've gone out there. Boy, was I wrong. LakeView Cemetery is huge and has the most elaborately carved stones I've ever seen! It was like 8:30 when I got there, so I was in a hurry to make sure I didn't get locked in!
Sunday morning was quiet & peaceful - since Randy & Angel were still both gone. I just enjoyed the quiet. Then I finally got dressed and went to a nearby park for a family reunion. This was my Dad's side of the family, most of whom I'm friends with on FB, but haven't actually seen in years. I am glad I went! It was nice to see a whole LOT of cousins and herds of little ones and I really enjoyed chatting with my Aunt Linda. I don't think I'd even gotten to talk with her before. I never even told Mom or the sisters I was going. Mom has a beef with some of my cousins, which means Laurie does, too. She also has issues with Uncle Ron. I don't even know what might of happened to offend her. It could have been 40 years ago. Whatever. I personally thought everyone was pleasant & genuinely happy to see me and asked about everyone. It was fun!
So anyway. It's time to head to bed. I drug everyone out for a walk after dinner. We had to take advantage to the cool evening, since it's supposed to get hot again later in the week. Things might be a bit crazy in the morning, since Angel & I will be leaving at 7:40 instead of 7 to get her to school, and that cuts into Randy's morning routine. But we'll figure it out.
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