Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Oh yay! Another snow day!

OK, at least this one IS an actual snow day & school wasn't cancelled on account of the wind chill.

The school district's automated call came at 5:15 this morning.  Randy decided he was going to work from home. I actually was going to make the attempt to going in to work for a couple hours.  Yeah - that thought didn't last long.  I did get up, shower & dress, tho.  Then I looked outside and saw this.....

Our cars.  
Or a snowbank that has sprouted antennas?
OK, there wasn't this much when I looked out at 6am, but the snow was dumping!!

It seems like we had a couple gorgeous 50 degree days just to melt some of the snowpack - to make room for this bunch!   I still didn't get to go check out the front yard for crocuses, but as of last Friday, the flowerbed had been cleared on the south side of the house. I believe these are daffodils peeking thru the mulch, but didn't see anything else yet.  I'm glad I tucked these guys back in, cuz they're buried again!.  

So it's been a quiet day, all of us doing our own thing.  Randy is sitting in the kitchen with his work laptop, grumbling.  Miss Angela is watching Netflix & straightening her hair.  And I'm getting caught up on reading some blogs and writing some posts for the A-Z challenge.

 We didn't even make the bed today because that would mean disturbing the furry kids. 

This is Jack's "something is different in my world and I'm not sure if I like it" look.  I'm sure us being home is disturbing his regularly scheduled nap times.  He's afraid he may miss one of us eating. 

I'm sure Miss Angela is thrilled that dance has been cancelled tonight also.  She only has one class on Tuesday - her tap duet.  And she wore her new tap shoes which of course rubbed a huge blister on her heel. Wednesday's are her long night - she's at the studio for 4 1/2 hours with only one break.  And do you think these goofballs rest during their break??  NO!  They drop in on the Zumba class for fun!  This break will do her good - I don't think her butt has moved off the couch, except to get food.

This was sort of neat.  A while back, Angel & a friend were at the mall and this guy approached them and asked if they'd ever considered modelling.  Sounds like a line, I know.  They talked with him and filled out a form for more info.  Yesterday, I had a call from an out-of-state number that I didn't recognize.  I didn't answer, then the same number called our house phone.  We didn't answer it, either.  Then I got a text.   This lady is a talent scout from whatever modelling agency and Angela's name was referred to her - with a star by her name, indicating her as a 'person of interest'!!!  So I answered back and they are holding auditions in the area for 40 girls (by invitation only!!) to do local work in this area - fashion shows / print ads / commercials / movie extras / music videos.  The only problem......auditions are March 22. She's going to be at her first dance competition!!  I asked and there aren't any other dates, so she said they'll keep her in mind.   Shucks.  I totally would have taken her if she didn't have something so important going on.    Oh - and Shelby didn't get contacted!!

Oh man, I really need to get up and do something.  Just a few minutes ago, there was a robin sitting in the tree outside my window, complaining loudly.  I can only imagine that he was mad about the snow, too!   Hopefully the wind will stop sooner or later so we can go out & shovel.  Woohoo.

Check out my Christmas cactus!  I've never had this many buds / flowers before!  There's easily 20 on this plant.  There's another on the shelf below it with only a couple buds.


  1. it's STILL snowing here. started around 8am and hasn't stopped and then it's going to drop to -26 tonight. good one, mother nature; you got us good.

    Vodka and Soda

  2. Here in Tennessee we have had some unusual weather. One day 65 the next an ice storm! I am so ready for Spring!

    1. I feel sorry people in states who don't have snow-removal equipment when they actually get some! A least it doesn't stick around long. I'd like to get some of the 65 degrees, tho!

  3. Stopping by from a-z...we had 50 degrees on tuesday followed by the actual snow day on wednesday and a 2 hour delay on thursday. The sun is very bright right now, but before I got lulled into a false sense of warmth I checked the temp...5 degree windchill!

    1. That sun is always deceiving! I've done the same thing - look outside & think how warm & pretty it looks. Then the thermometer tells me it's like 11 degrees. {expletive}


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