Checking in.....
1. rededicate myself to WW. - Umm, well. I didn't stay for the meeting. So shame on me. But the ladies at the reception desk thought I was "bubbly". All I did was explain that I had been in a hurry and couldn't find my most recent monthly pass so I took a picture of my computer screen with my phone. I could it as a huge success that I stayed the same, even with being a swine for the Super Bowl.
2. post eTools progress report weekly

notice the total lack of tracking on Sunday. The rest of the week is OK. I'm not going terribly far over my daily target line. I haven't been filling out my weekly checks. Guess I should.
3. dust off my WalkAtHome DVDs - check! Only once this week, tho.
4. use my new waist & arm / thigh trimmers while doing DVDs or Wii Fit - seeing as how I just got the waist trimmer last night - half credit. I have worn my arm & thigh ones several times. They definitely make you sweat!
5. plan meals weekly - check!
I got this white board for posting dinner ideas at Staples. Miss Angela thought she'd help by filling it out the first time for me. Don't worry - that is NOT what we're eating. That kid could eat pizza & pizza rolls every day. ~gag~
6. eat more / new veggies every week - I didn't try anything new this week. But I did find a sale on frozen steamed veggies at the grocery store & stocked up. I take a package to work with me to have with my Lean Cuisine. I don't know how they can consider some of those to be 3-4 servings!
7. be a better blogger - Nope. I've been thinking about my posts, but haven't physically wrote any. I need to work on making my posts shorter, but it's hard to do when I'm being accountable.
8. get my house de-cluttered - Working on it. We're supposed to get hit with Winter Storm Nemo (ok - 4-8 inches) but I chose not to deal with fighting my way into work thru snow & idiots, so I asked my boss for a personal day tomorrow. So I will stay at home and get some stuff done. Time will soon tell if I have kid and/or hubby company.
9. cut back on unnecessary spending (see #8) - for the most part - check! I had to drop off Randy's gold chain at the jewelers tonight to get a new clasp put on it. It happens to be in the same strip mall as the Salvation Army and I had time to kill. I found a really cute hippie dress with store tags still on it for $4. I came home & tried it on......let's just say with some creative cutting, I'll have a cool new skirt.
10. find plans & designs for tomato cage trees / MGC fence / potion book - I've been looking on Pinterest & pinning some ideas.
11. work on RACES certification - small check. I started to read the book & had to stop to do something & never got back to it. I'll have to start over.
13. wean myself off pop - still not there yet!
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