I was up 1 lb last week, but after the company Christmas party & Mother Nature doing her thing, I really wasn't too upset. That made the 1.8 lb loss especially nice this week! I was hoping to just maintain, so very happy!

Total lazy last weekend! Just vegged around the house all day Saturday. Then Saturday night, Miss Angela had a "lock in' at the dance studio, basically a sleepover with usual girl stuff, movies, popcorn, games, dancing - just AT the dance studio. They have a ton of fun each year! So Randy & I dropped her off, then went out to dinner and walked up & down Main Street in nearby Rochester, looking at Christmas lights....

a good mile + stretch is covered like this! We strolled along, looking in shop windows & just enjoying ourselves, along with several gazillion other peoples.
I had a lousy sinus headache on Sunday and didn't want to do anything. I didn't even track!

I did finally go & get my knee checked out. I pulled a tendon and that's why it's been so wonky. The pain is never the same. Sometimes it'll be just fine and I walk OK, then a minute later I'll have shooting pains and can't put any weight on it. I actually went a couple days with it almost feeling normal, then I sat at the desk and had my foot up under me, like I like to sit - and that was a mistake. It didn't like being twisted and let me know! I did manage to get out for a couple walks with the dog, since it's been an oddly snow-less winter so far. Some days 45 degrees feels downright balmy!
So my plans for this weekend include getting my house presentable. We are going to be spending some time in Arkansas soon with the mother-in-law and either one or both of my sisters are stopping in to check on the cats while we're gone. So I prefer it to look somewhat decent for them! I also have a bunch of present wrapping to do and also present buying - the family gathering is Sunday. Ugh, I'd rather draw names and only have to worry about 1 person, but Nooooooooo, Mom & one sister already went crazy. I've joked about giving everyone a nutcracker from my collection (I have over 100 and won't miss a couple), but the more I think about it, the more I like that idea! Nutcrackers for everyone! And maybe a gift card geared toward each person's interests or likes.
Total lazy last weekend! Just vegged around the house all day Saturday. Then Saturday night, Miss Angela had a "lock in' at the dance studio, basically a sleepover with usual girl stuff, movies, popcorn, games, dancing - just AT the dance studio. They have a ton of fun each year! So Randy & I dropped her off, then went out to dinner and walked up & down Main Street in nearby Rochester, looking at Christmas lights....
a good mile + stretch is covered like this! We strolled along, looking in shop windows & just enjoying ourselves, along with several gazillion other peoples.
I had a lousy sinus headache on Sunday and didn't want to do anything. I didn't even track!
I did finally go & get my knee checked out. I pulled a tendon and that's why it's been so wonky. The pain is never the same. Sometimes it'll be just fine and I walk OK, then a minute later I'll have shooting pains and can't put any weight on it. I actually went a couple days with it almost feeling normal, then I sat at the desk and had my foot up under me, like I like to sit - and that was a mistake. It didn't like being twisted and let me know! I did manage to get out for a couple walks with the dog, since it's been an oddly snow-less winter so far. Some days 45 degrees feels downright balmy!
So my plans for this weekend include getting my house presentable. We are going to be spending some time in Arkansas soon with the mother-in-law and either one or both of my sisters are stopping in to check on the cats while we're gone. So I prefer it to look somewhat decent for them! I also have a bunch of present wrapping to do and also present buying - the family gathering is Sunday. Ugh, I'd rather draw names and only have to worry about 1 person, but Nooooooooo, Mom & one sister already went crazy. I've joked about giving everyone a nutcracker from my collection (I have over 100 and won't miss a couple), but the more I think about it, the more I like that idea! Nutcrackers for everyone! And maybe a gift card geared toward each person's interests or likes.
Arkansas is going to be a challenge. 16 hours (2 days) to get there and the same coming back. A good week at MIL's house. And since it's just her, she doesn't ever have any kind of food selection in her house at all. I'll pack a cooler with snacks & water (since I tend to let myself dehydrate when in the car for long periods - I have to stop that!!) We will hit Kroger as soon as we get there so I'll be able to stock up on fruit & veggies & stuff. But there will be a lot of going out to eat. We will go to this seafood place to get catfish. I'll simply get it grilled instead of fried. We will go to Outback so Mom can get her coconut shrimpies. There are options there. We will go to Chic-Fil-A since we don't have them here and Randy & Angel have this idea that it's the most amazing fast food ever <<eye rolls>>. Pretty sure they have grilled chicken now. Cracker Barrel will happen, probably more than once. I know they have a lighter menu. And there will be a decent amount of walking. We will walk along the Promenade behind Bathhouse Row in Hot Springs. Angel & I are planning to take a 90 minute walking ghost tour one night. Angel wants her ears pierced again so that'll mean a trip to the mall. There's plenty of stuff to do to keep moving.
ON the plus side, I'm pretty sure Randy is going to renew my gym membership as a Christmas gift for me! Woohoo! Can't wait!
My WW leader gave us all little silver bells at the end of the meeting Wednesday - to remind us to believe - believe that we can conquer the holiday season! I put mine on a ribbon and will be wearing it daily.
ON the plus side, I'm pretty sure Randy is going to renew my gym membership as a Christmas gift for me! Woohoo! Can't wait!
My WW leader gave us all little silver bells at the end of the meeting Wednesday - to remind us to believe - believe that we can conquer the holiday season! I put mine on a ribbon and will be wearing it daily.
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