Monday, March 24, 2025

A thought to ponder....

Thoughts to ponder....
 For the longest time, we had a bottle of Softsoap at each sink in the restroom at work, but recently one boring bottle disappeared, and this pretty flowery porcelain soap dispenser appeared in its place.  
Most of the ladies in my department are of a similar age - adult kids & young grandkids.  
Of course, we always cross paths in the restroom.  One day, the accounts receivable lady was in there at the same time as me.  She commented that this dispenser reminded her of being at her grandmother's house.  Which led to the discussion of WHEN do we reach the point where we start decorating our houses in stereotypical "grandma" fashion?  Fake flowers & doilies & such?   We decided we probably wouldn't ever reach that stage because we grew up listening to rock & roll.  
Hell, I have random skeletons & skulls in my house and office, and I can't ever imagine them going away!!

Speaking of.....
The holiday skeleton in my office finally got a name!
I took his leprechaun gear off right after I took the pic and he'll just be naked until closer to Easter. 
My SAR team conducts optional K9 training every weekend - yesterday the guy in charge posted this picture on our group chat from the park they were training at.  I promise all of my skeletons are accounted for and none of them are unclothed and hanging from the rafters of a park pavilion! 

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