Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Gertrude's Day!

Happy St Patrick's (and Gertrude's) Day!
Hope everyone has a great day, no matter how you celebrate.  
I'm not in the slightest bit Irish, but I'm still wearing green. 
Also on this date in history - 1992, to be exact....
I stood in a room with a bunch of other kids at a place called MEPS in downtown Detroit, faced the Flag and raised my right hand and repeated these words.  
Thus began my 8 years of adventure called the US Navy. 
This is honestly the only time that like a pang went thru my heart and I asked myself what I was doing.
  But that moment passed.  

Oooo, guess what! 
 I got my new buggy!! 
The Spouse and I drove around to a bunch of dealerships to look at possibilities, but by then I'd looked at so many cars online that I couldn't remember what cars were where.  I thought for sure I was going to end up with a Ford Escape since that seemed to check all the boxes of what I was looking for.  Then we stopped at this place and there happened to be this 2014 Buick Enclave that seemed nice.  But we decided to take it for a test drive and decided it was very nice.  
And in my price range. Low miles, etc.  Lots of fancy features.   
We had our mechanic check it out and between what he found under the hood and we saw ourselves - there were a few things that needed to be fixed, which they did at the dealership.  We picked it up last Monday, had to take it back Thursday morning for a part that they'd been waiting on, then got it back Friday evening. 

My neighbors were probably wondering what was going on.  I had my Terrain.  Then I had the little white Nissan rental car for like 2 weeks.  Then I had the Enclave for a few days, then I had a big shiny red Silverado loaner for 2 days, then went back to the Enclave! 
The extent of my St Pat's decorations at home. 

She definitely got a workout this past weekend, tho!  Saturday, I had a Wilderness First Aid refresher course, and wouldn't you know as soon as we all got to the camp, we had an actual call out for a missing child?  There was a degree of panic all around, since K9 handlers were there without their K9s, most people didn't have appropriate gear with them, etc.  Sis1 rode with me, so I had my gear (but an uncharged radio) and she had very little with her, so we went back to her house first.  Before I could even look up the location, the kid was found, sitting in the neighbor's trampoline with his iPad. 
Personally, I think he had the right idea - it was a beautiful day Saturday! 

Anyhow.  We switched back to training mode - and just like most every other refresher class we do - learned something new!    One of the scenarios my little group went thru was coming upon someone who was slumped in a chair, unresponsive, with pills on the table next to him.  Learned more than I ever thought I'd ever need about Narcan and that most of the K9 handlers carry it on them all the time.  I mean, I also have some in my gear, but I didn't actually know like how quickly to administer it or if there were times I ~ shouldn't ~ use it.  
Watch out for the wind!! 
Glad we were out in the open, since we heard a tree fall in the woods.

On the way back to Sis1's house, we passed a ranch that we knew had bison, but we'd never seen them - until then!!
They were right up along the road, so we stopped to watch for a while.  
They had little ones with tiny horns and everything!  

Sunday, the Spawn and I took the grandkids to Toledo to see the Monster Trucks.  I personally prefer to go there, since it's a smaller venue (hockey arena vs football) than the one in Detroit, and we didn't have to wait for souvenirs, snacks or the bathrooms!  But the Grandson was asking about them crushing cars and they don't have room to put cars in this arena.  Whoops.  
We had awesome seats

.  That wall behind us is a suite. 
Ooo, my car got Christened in a bad way on the way there!  Something didn't agree with the Grandson's tummy at breakfast.  We'd just gotten off the highway, just minutes from the arena.... and he threw up.  All over himself, the floor in front of him and it ran down thru his carseat onto the seat.   We stopped at a McDonald's so the Spawn could take him into the bathroom to clean him up while I attempted to clean up his seat (using all my first aid bandages & stuff!)  Then we stopped at Meijer's and got him some new clothes (and a towel for him to sit on - and some air freshener).  Needless to say, we only missed the first half hour or so.  
The Spawn & Grandson's favorite - Gravedigger
Surprisingly the granddaughter doesn't care for the sparkly unicorn truck - she likes Zombie.
More fun memes. 
This looks to be an uneventful week with nothing on the calendar.  I'm thinking about maybe going to K9 training this weekend, but I'm not sure.  For some reason I have mysterious injuries happening, so I'll have to see how able I am.  Like out of the blue, my outside right ankle bone hurts & was swollen for several days.  No idea what I did to it.  It's been a week now and still hurts.  I try not to limp because my left knee is my bad one!   Then about a week & a half ago, I felt like I had a pinched nerve in my left hand. I rubbed it for a while, then it was time to go home and I proceeded to forget about it.  Like 5 days later I was at work and the sun shining thru the window made me realize that I had a huge ugly yellowy brown bruise on my hand!  WTF!    

So - 

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