I need to get out there this fall and plant a bunch more crocuses in the lawn because I had to hunt for this one! But the lawn is greening up, I've seen robins & red-winged blackbirds, heard frogs in the swamp, all sorts of things are poking up in the flowerbeds.
...and I drove to work in the snow this morning. Yay.
Last weekend, the Spawn & I took the grandkids to Toledo to watch the Monster Trucks.
There have only been a very few years that we've missed going to see the trucks and it's always been either in the Silverdome and now Ford Field (aka football arenas). So going to Huntington Center (a hockey arena) was a bit of a shock since it was so much smaller. But the kids loved it and that's all that matters. Really, the smaller crowd was much nicer. Lines for snacks & souvenirs were tolerably short. Getting out of the parking garage was easy. So we may consider this the new place to go!

BabyGirl particularly enjoyed seeing a truck roll onto it's roof and the front-end loader flip it back over.
Sis1 and I had an all day class for search & rescue initial actions (SARIA) on Saturday, then Monster Jam on Sunday, so we didn't get to do out annual girls night for St Pat's Day. We also didn't go for pie on last Thursday for Pi Day / Dad's birthday either! Kind of a bummer.
Weekend before - we took the kids to the trampoline park for the first time - and they loved it!
The look on his face - I'm deceased!
Next time we know to plan to go early since they let the "Little Leapers" come in before the place actually opens so they don't get run over by the big kids.
Mean Truck Face!
I'm sure it was more fun to play in the leaves in the fall, but they obviously don't mind!
(same with the skeleton!)
So that's all that up for now! Got a couple Easter events with the SAR team, but it'll be quick & fun! The one has like all the local emergency apparatus lining the road so you can see them up close and probably have a med unit helicopter land on site, too! That's how it's been the last couple years and it's super cool.
Until later!
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