I've had a hard time sitting down and focusing on writing lately - so much for my word of the year! It's Timmy T'ursday! And OMG - the last day of February!!

So let's grab a cup of coffee and have a chat!
I'm not affiliated with Tim Horton's in any way - I just like their coffee & donuts!
This will be quick since I've come down with the plague (stuffy head, coughing, can't breathe, etc) and feel pretty lousy, so once I get dinner on the table for Randy, I'm going to bed!
Found on Facebook.....
Why do big-girl stores like Avenue carry pants that can be pulled up to your ribs? After trying on 12 pairs Tuesday, I found a pair in a material that's nice, is long enough (what is up with ankle pants???) and looks good on me. But the waistband hits a good 2-3 inches above my bellybutton! Which means when I sit, it rolls down. And if I settle the waistband ~at my waist~ it feels like my butt is hanging (it's not, but still). This isn't the first pair I've gotten from them that do that. Another pair I have reaches the bottom of my bra. Speaking of bras don't get me started on trying those on!
I never have good luck clothes shopping on my own. I have to take Miss Angela with me. She has a knack for finding random things that I would never look twice at - and they end up being perfect!
I adulted last week and had both a dental cleaning and a physical (my first since my hysterectomy in July 2016). Now I just have to call and schedule my mammogram. Yay me.
Are they not the most adorable??
Here's my Valentine flowers that I bought for myself.
Rusty adores laying on Randy while they nap.
So, Oh my gosh - I signed up for the blogging A-Z Challenge a few minutes ago - and I have no freaking clue what I'm going to write about!! I've been doing them every year since 2012 when I dove right in with 3 blogs! I did all 3 for 2012 & 2013. Then I decided to stop with my Halloween blog since I do the Countdown to Halloween linkup in October & Creepmas in December and that's plenty. So in 2014 & 2015, I did 2 blogs. But then I combined those & have just done this blog since.
I'd done A to Z inspirational women, 80's hair band songs, Halloween stuff in my garage, sea stories from when I was in the Navy (that was a particular favorite of mine!) and explored the beauty & coolness of Detroit. But now I'm drawing a blank.
Rusty gets so excited when you touch the closet door where the harness is hanging.
My nephew & his family were in town last weekend so Randy & I went over to see them.
OK, we went to see little Cam Cam! He's 5 months old and already had figured out phones are pretty interesting! Probably because my nephew FaceTimes my sister every day so she can see him.
He was entertained with the SnapChat filters!
So we survived last weekend's windstorm with only a flicker in the lights and a few minor branches down. That was crazy! I'm so ready for winter to be over. I can't recall Mother Nature being so bi-polar!
I'm sure there was something else I'd planned to write about but I've ceased being able to brain. Tomorrow's going to be insanely busy. I'm leaving work at 1:30 so I can stop by (hopefully) 6 high schools and drop off scholarship info & applications for the VFW that I'm chairing. Then I'm meeting Mom & the sisters for a make & take pallet art project that has a bunny on one side and a Leprechaun on the other. Spending the night at sister's. I better make sure I pack up all my cold meds so I can survive!
I'm sure there was something else I'd planned to write about but I've ceased being able to brain. Tomorrow's going to be insanely busy. I'm leaving work at 1:30 so I can stop by (hopefully) 6 high schools and drop off scholarship info & applications for the VFW that I'm chairing. Then I'm meeting Mom & the sisters for a make & take pallet art project that has a bunny on one side and a Leprechaun on the other. Spending the night at sister's. I better make sure I pack up all my cold meds so I can survive!