Nothing really to say today, I just wanted to post on Leap Day!
btw - I am going to try something new to give myself a kick in the pants on m y weight loss - I'm having a tough time with WW right now. I've been tracking & following the plan, but nothing is happening. I'll fill you in when / if something amazing happens.
I keep hearing about Google Friend Connect going away tomorrow, but I haven't been able to find anything about it on Google so I have absolutely no idea how it is going to affect my blog & followers / followees. I did add the option to get email updates for any who choose to go that route.
What the heck are RSS feeds? I haven't found a good idiot-friendly definition for it. I like to think I'm somewhat intelligent, but when I start trying to read about computer stuff, my heart starts racing & palms get sweaty, and I get all anxious. Guess I should leave that for the hubster.
So I leave you with Chester being adorable.....
and the girl...being a dork at WalMart!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Happy Leap Day!
Nothing really to say today, I just wanted to post on Leap Day!
I keep hearing about Google Friend Connect going away tomorrow, but I haven't been able to find anything about it on Google so I have absolutely no idea how it is going to affect my blog & followers / followees. I did add the option to get email updates for any who choose to go that route.
What the heck are RSS feeds? I haven't found a good idiot-friendly definition for it. I like to think I'm somewhat intelligent, but when I start trying to read about computer stuff, my heart starts racing & palms get sweaty, and I get all anxious. Guess I should leave that for the hubster.
So I leave you with Chester being adorable.....
and the girl...being a dork at WalMart!
I keep hearing about Google Friend Connect going away tomorrow, but I haven't been able to find anything about it on Google so I have absolutely no idea how it is going to affect my blog & followers / followees. I did add the option to get email updates for any who choose to go that route.
What the heck are RSS feeds? I haven't found a good idiot-friendly definition for it. I like to think I'm somewhat intelligent, but when I start trying to read about computer stuff, my heart starts racing & palms get sweaty, and I get all anxious. Guess I should leave that for the hubster.
So I leave you with Chester being adorable.....
and the girl...being a dork at WalMart!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Miss Clawson, 2012
We went to watch my niece Lisa (aka Lulu) compete in the Miss Clawson Pageant last night.
It was kind of neat. We'd never had a reason to go to this before. I remember helping a friend of mine prepare for this when I was in school, but for some reason I never went to cheer her on. They were 5 girls going for Miss Clawson and 9 going for Junior Miss Clawson. They were judged mainly on a personal interview, the introduction, casual wear, formal wear and a final question. They had to write a story, write a poem, be ready to act in a commercial (either one already on TV, or make up their own), the final question was random & they had to come up with an answer on the spot. They also could get a whole host of other awards - Miss Congeniality, most photogenic, academic achievement, etc. They all took home an army of trophies.
It was kind of neat. We'd never had a reason to go to this before. I remember helping a friend of mine prepare for this when I was in school, but for some reason I never went to cheer her on. They were 5 girls going for Miss Clawson and 9 going for Junior Miss Clawson. They were judged mainly on a personal interview, the introduction, casual wear, formal wear and a final question. They had to write a story, write a poem, be ready to act in a commercial (either one already on TV, or make up their own), the final question was random & they had to come up with an answer on the spot. They also could get a whole host of other awards - Miss Congeniality, most photogenic, academic achievement, etc. They all took home an army of trophies.
Lisa & my niece Catie's boyfriend as her escort in the formal wear competition.
(Forgive the crappines of the pics - Angel had my camera)
All of the contestants.
4th runner up for Miss Clawson
3rd place - Most Promising Poet
3rd place - Best Author
2nd place - Best Actress
1st place - Outstanding talent
1st place - Best Artist
1st place - Community Service Volunteer
Crystal Award (I think this was from the choreographer)
Participation Trophy
the "Most Swaggerific" award.
If they're going to give out all of these, they need to assign boxes!! It's a good thing there were so many of us there to watch, since both Laurie & I carried an armful out to the car.
It was an enjoyable night - except for one of the contestants. The girl in the green dress. Man, I don't know what was up her butt, but her attitude gradually got worse as the night went on. Lisa said she was one of the few (like her) who hadn't been competing since she was 5 for one of the Clawson pageants. They were each given a participation trophy right away and some flowers. She went back to her spot & tossed the flowers onto the floor. When someone else went to get a trophy, she would roll her eyes and clap slowly like 3 times. When she went to get a trophy, she'd go back to her spot and just drop it, not set it nicely on the floor like everyone else. She ended up being the 2nd runner up for Jr. Miss and when the winner was crowned, you could read her lips saying the other girl was a bitch!! I think the judges should have ripped that sash right off her & gave it to someone who would appreciate it! She didn't even stick around for pictures with everyone else afterward. One word for her - LOUSY!
But anyway, it was a crazy late night. The pageant started at 7 & Miss Clawson wasn't even crowned until after 11. Then she had to do her "walk" with her crown, sash & scepter around the stage. And then the many zillions of pictures & photo ops afterward.
Poor Angel was starving (I'm thinking growth spurt, since she's been eating like there's no tomorrow!) so all of us ended up going to a bar & grille to get food. Mmm, burgers while watching UFC fights - appetizing! But the food was good & we finally got home close to 2. I haven't been out driving around that late in a long time!
Angel told me I didn't have to worry about her ever wanting to do something like this.
She'd happily stick with dancing.
She's going to get her 5 year award at the studio this year
& she's concerned about where she's going to put that one trophy!
Friday, February 24, 2012
40 days
Oh my - the wonders of the Interwebs!
I follow a blog called House Unseen, Life Unscripted . Dweej & her family used to live in California & one day they decided to buy a house here in Michigan, off the internet without even seeing it in person. Her & her hubby packed up all 4 munchkins (and now have #5 on the way) and moved cross country. Anyway, she's very fun to read, talking about renovating their house on a budget & homeschooling, etc. she mentioned something called 40 Bags in 40 Days. I was intrigued & inspired!!!
Click on that link & it explains it all. Count me in!
I went around a few minutes ago & took pictures of my house - with the intention of posting them here as motivation. Ummm - yeah. Don't expect to see those. I'm mortified! Our house is only 850 square feet with 2 adults & a teenager. It looks like 10 people live here, with all the stuff we have!!
Maybe one day, the Love Shaque will be "pin-worthy"! Now I will go on the Vietnam Veteran's website & schedule a pick up!
I follow a blog called House Unseen, Life Unscripted . Dweej & her family used to live in California & one day they decided to buy a house here in Michigan, off the internet without even seeing it in person. Her & her hubby packed up all 4 munchkins (and now have #5 on the way) and moved cross country. Anyway, she's very fun to read, talking about renovating their house on a budget & homeschooling, etc. she mentioned something called 40 Bags in 40 Days. I was intrigued & inspired!!!
Click on that link & it explains it all. Count me in!
I went around a few minutes ago & took pictures of my house - with the intention of posting them here as motivation. Ummm - yeah. Don't expect to see those. I'm mortified! Our house is only 850 square feet with 2 adults & a teenager. It looks like 10 people live here, with all the stuff we have!!
I will show this one only.
This is in the hallway - stuff I already plan to donate.
Maybe one day, the Love Shaque will be "pin-worthy"! Now I will go on the Vietnam Veteran's website & schedule a pick up!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Checking in!
I haven't posted in a while, I know. Nothing overly exciting is going on at the Love Shaque. I'm not going to weigh in tonight, since we're finally getting to go out for a much - belated Valentine dinner. It's mid-winter break for the girl, so she was sold for child labor sent to be a "worker bee" at my sister's little farm. Frankly, I have no idea when she's going to be home!! I love it! Anyway, Randy & I are enjoying our time alone.
Randy's doing OK since we lost Maggie. That happened last Thursday, Friday when I got home from work and all weekend, Chester was literally an orange hemorrhoid on me. Everywhere I went - he was close behind. I couldn't sit down or even use the bathroom without him being near. He even decided to lay across my laptop while I was typing! I don't know why he was like that with me, since Randy was home all day! He has eased up some. At least I'm out of his sight right now, even if I am in the same room.
So anyway. Yeah, skipping WI tonight. I tracked everything this weekend - it was ugly. I was -12 points as of last night. That means I used ALL my extra 49 and then some! I will share some words of wisdom - avoid Jet's pizza! This has been a Public Service Announcement.
Have a great weekend - we're supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow tonight. My daffodil & tulip sprouts are going to love that! But what's funny - there's not a single crocus sprout in my yard! And they're the ones who are usually here early!
Randy's doing OK since we lost Maggie. That happened last Thursday, Friday when I got home from work and all weekend, Chester was literally an orange hemorrhoid on me. Everywhere I went - he was close behind. I couldn't sit down or even use the bathroom without him being near. He even decided to lay across my laptop while I was typing! I don't know why he was like that with me, since Randy was home all day! He has eased up some. At least I'm out of his sight right now, even if I am in the same room.
So anyway. Yeah, skipping WI tonight. I tracked everything this weekend - it was ugly. I was -12 points as of last night. That means I used ALL my extra 49 and then some! I will share some words of wisdom - avoid Jet's pizza! This has been a Public Service Announcement.
Have a great weekend - we're supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow tonight. My daffodil & tulip sprouts are going to love that! But what's funny - there's not a single crocus sprout in my yard! And they're the ones who are usually here early!
Feet in the food dish
I know it's been a while since I've posted - nothing really exciting is going on in the Love Shaque. It's winter break for the girl, so she spent 2 days at home alone (calling me 1000 times) and work as usual for Randy & I. Yesterday, my sister Laurie came to get her and I quite frankly have no idea when she's coming home! It's so quiet around here!
I was deleting some old emails today and came across this cute one that my mother-in-law sent for Angel. She is such a sweet lady!
2. Dress Up !!
The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart."
I Samuel 16:7
3. Shut Up!!
Say nice things and learn to listen.
God gave us two ears and one mouth,
so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking.
"He who guards his lips guards his soul."
Proverbs 13:3
4. Stand Up!!
. . . for what you believe in.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
"Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time,
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..."
Galatians 6:9-10
5. Look Up !!
. . . to the Lord.
"I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me".
Philippians 4:13
6. Reach Up !!
. . . for something higher.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not unto your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path."
Proverbs 3:5-6
7. Lift Up !!
. . . your Prayers.
"Do not worry about anything; instead
Philippians 4:6
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring, and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen.
He could live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.
What about the Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem;
not to mention that Friday at Calvary.
Face it, He's crazy about you.

I was deleting some old emails today and came across this cute one that my mother-in-law sent for Angel. She is such a sweet lady!
The 7 Ups
1. Wake Up !!
Decide to have a good day.
"This is the day the Lord hath made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalms 118:24
1. Wake Up !!
Decide to have a good day.
"This is the day the Lord hath made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalms 118:24
2. Dress Up !!
The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart."
I Samuel 16:7
3. Shut Up!!
Say nice things and learn to listen.
God gave us two ears and one mouth,
so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking.
"He who guards his lips guards his soul."
Proverbs 13:3
4. Stand Up!!
. . . for what you believe in.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
"Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time,
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..."
Galatians 6:9-10
5. Look Up !!
. . . to the Lord.
"I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me".
Philippians 4:13
6. Reach Up !!
. . . for something higher.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not unto your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path."
Proverbs 3:5-6
7. Lift Up !!
. . . your Prayers.
"Do not worry about anything; instead
Philippians 4:6
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring, and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen.
He could live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.
What about the Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem;
not to mention that Friday at Calvary.
Face it, He's crazy about you.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Friend Makin' Monday - Travel
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: Travel
- Where did your most recent trip take you? My last actual trip? to Arkansas, Christmas 2010. But there have been weekend trips up north, etc.
- Is there a place that you’d like to visit that you haven’t yet? If so, where? I could make a list! Outside the US - the Paris catacombs, to kiss the Blarney stone, the Sydney Opera House, the White Cliffs of Dover - to name a few. In the US? I want to visit every state.
- Do you travel lightly, or do you cram as much into your luggage as possible? I think I travel pretty light. I figure we can do laundry wherever we go. Now the hubby's gadgets are a different story!
- Do your eating and exercise habits change when you travel? If so, how? Ummmm, yeah. If I travel someplace with a different culture, I want to try their food. But I do tend to do a lot of walking, so that is good!
- Tell us about a place you’ve been that you’d like to go back to. Cozumel, since that is where Randy proposed to me (on horseback - in the jungle!!!!) and of course the Buckstaff Bathhouse in Hot Springs.
- Do you prefer to travel at a certain time of year? As long as I get to where I'm going, I don't care what time of year it is!
- If you had to choose, would you go to the beach or the mountains? Yes. LOL!
- Have you ever needed a passport to travel? Yes. We do show one to get into Canada (less than 40 miles away) and we needed one on a cruise for St. Maarten.
- Do you collect anything in your travels? I try to get a horse figurine and a shot glass. I try to save some currency, too. It's so much prettier than American!
- Where do you plan to go next? We might make a short trip here or there this year, but are definitely going to Arkansas this Christmas. Am I weird that I like to visit my MIL?
Friday, February 17, 2012
RIP, little Miss Maggie
Yes, we had another tragedy in the family last night. All I have to say is that I'm extremely thankful that we were home - and it was quick.
It was a regular day. I was trying to make dinner and because I was in the kitchen, both Maggie & Chester were underfoot, wanting to be fed. I used my foot to push Mag out of the way so I didn't kick her, and she yelped when I touched her back end. I stopped to pick her up, and realized she was constipated again. Last time I used a baggie & olive oil to "help" the stoppage come out. Yeah - the things I do!! But since I was making dinner, I thought she could wait a few minutes.
I petted & talked to her a minute, then put her back down. As I was reaching for something in the cabinet, I felt her fall against my leg. I assumed she was doing a dramatic "woe-is-me, I'm starving" flop that her & Chester are so well known for. As I looked down, it took me a second for it to sink in that she was having a seizure. Then she threw her head back and let out the loudest meow I'd ever heard from her. Usually she'd open her mouth and barely a peep would be heard. I yelled for Angel to go get Randy from the garage. He came right in and laid on the floor next to her - patting her side & talking to her. I'd moved her out from the corner and she was like a limp rag. She just flopped. Randy stayed there & pressed on her side for a good 15 minutes, but her bladder let go & her tongue was turning blue. She was gone.
We probably wouldn't have even been able to get her to the Animal Emergency Hospital, it happened so fast. And Chester & Jack both got a chance to say goodbye to her. They never did with Skeeter, since he was at the vet when it happened.
So we laid her to rest out next to Skeeter, wrapped in one of Randy's shirts like Skeeter is wrapped in one of mine. Morbid for a second - I was amazed at how fast she cooled off. I'm not sure how much time elapsed between Skeet's passing & us burying him, but he was still warm and soft when I put him in his place. But he also had 20 lbs of insulation on him - where Maggie didn't. She'd been losing weight for the past couple months and it really showed on her tiny little frame.
Maggie's story
I took this one last Saturday - We'd gone out to lunch & dropped Angel off at dance and when we came home - Jack was pacing around & looking concerned. She'd taken over his crate!
btw - I did go weigh in, but stayed the same.
It was a regular day. I was trying to make dinner and because I was in the kitchen, both Maggie & Chester were underfoot, wanting to be fed. I used my foot to push Mag out of the way so I didn't kick her, and she yelped when I touched her back end. I stopped to pick her up, and realized she was constipated again. Last time I used a baggie & olive oil to "help" the stoppage come out. Yeah - the things I do!! But since I was making dinner, I thought she could wait a few minutes.
I petted & talked to her a minute, then put her back down. As I was reaching for something in the cabinet, I felt her fall against my leg. I assumed she was doing a dramatic "woe-is-me, I'm starving" flop that her & Chester are so well known for. As I looked down, it took me a second for it to sink in that she was having a seizure. Then she threw her head back and let out the loudest meow I'd ever heard from her. Usually she'd open her mouth and barely a peep would be heard. I yelled for Angel to go get Randy from the garage. He came right in and laid on the floor next to her - patting her side & talking to her. I'd moved her out from the corner and she was like a limp rag. She just flopped. Randy stayed there & pressed on her side for a good 15 minutes, but her bladder let go & her tongue was turning blue. She was gone.
We probably wouldn't have even been able to get her to the Animal Emergency Hospital, it happened so fast. And Chester & Jack both got a chance to say goodbye to her. They never did with Skeeter, since he was at the vet when it happened.
So we laid her to rest out next to Skeeter, wrapped in one of Randy's shirts like Skeeter is wrapped in one of mine. Morbid for a second - I was amazed at how fast she cooled off. I'm not sure how much time elapsed between Skeet's passing & us burying him, but he was still warm and soft when I put him in his place. But he also had 20 lbs of insulation on him - where Maggie didn't. She'd been losing weight for the past couple months and it really showed on her tiny little frame.
Maggie's story
I took this one last Saturday - We'd gone out to lunch & dropped Angel off at dance and when we came home - Jack was pacing around & looking concerned. She'd taken over his crate!
We are definitely going to miss her. Randy was attached to her as much as I was with Skeeter, so he took it especially hard. But she's got good company up there!
btw - I did go weigh in, but stayed the same.
RIP, little Miss Maggie
Yes, we had another tragedy in the family last night. All I have to say is that I'm extremely thankful that we were home - and it was quick.
It was a regular day. I was trying to make dinner and because I was in the kitchen, both Maggie & Chester were underfoot, wanting to be fed. I used my foot to push Mag out of the way so I didn't kick her, and she yelped when I touched her back end. I stopped to pick her up, and realized she was constipated again. Last time I used a baggie & olive oil to "help" the stoppage come out. Yeah - the things I do!! But since I was making dinner, I thought she could wait a few minutes.
I petted & talked to her a minute, then put her back down. As I was reaching for something in the cabinet, I felt her fall against my leg. I assumed she was doing a dramatic "woe-is-me, I'm starving" flop that her & Chester are so well known for. As I looked down, it took me a second for it to sink in that she was having a seizure. Then she threw her head back and let out the loudest meow I'd ever heard from her. Usually she'd open her mouth and barely a peep would be heard. I yelled for Angel to go get Randy from the garage. He came right in and laid on the floor next to her - patting her side & talking to her. I'd moved her out from the corner and she was like a limp rag. She just flopped. Randy stayed there & pressed on her side for a good 15 minutes, but her bladder let go & her tongue was turning blue. She was gone.
We probably wouldn't have even been able to get her to the Animal Emergency Hospital, it happened so fast. And Chester & Jack both got a chance to say goodbye to her. They never did with Skeeter, since he was at the vet when it happened.
So we laid her to rest out next to Skeeter, wrapped in one of Randy's shirts like Skeeter is wrapped in one of mine. Morbid for a second - I was amazed at how fast she cooled off. I'm not sure how much time elapsed between Skeet's passing & us burying him, but he was still warm and pliable when I put him in his place. But he also had 20 lbs of insulation on him - where Maggie didn't. She'd been losing weight for the past couple months and it really showed on her tiny little frame.
Maggie's story
I took this one last Saturday - We'd gone out to lunch & dropped Angel off at dance and when we came home - Jack was pacing around & looking concerned. She'd taken over his crate!
It was a regular day. I was trying to make dinner and because I was in the kitchen, both Maggie & Chester were underfoot, wanting to be fed. I used my foot to push Mag out of the way so I didn't kick her, and she yelped when I touched her back end. I stopped to pick her up, and realized she was constipated again. Last time I used a baggie & olive oil to "help" the stoppage come out. Yeah - the things I do!! But since I was making dinner, I thought she could wait a few minutes.
I petted & talked to her a minute, then put her back down. As I was reaching for something in the cabinet, I felt her fall against my leg. I assumed she was doing a dramatic "woe-is-me, I'm starving" flop that her & Chester are so well known for. As I looked down, it took me a second for it to sink in that she was having a seizure. Then she threw her head back and let out the loudest meow I'd ever heard from her. Usually she'd open her mouth and barely a peep would be heard. I yelled for Angel to go get Randy from the garage. He came right in and laid on the floor next to her - patting her side & talking to her. I'd moved her out from the corner and she was like a limp rag. She just flopped. Randy stayed there & pressed on her side for a good 15 minutes, but her bladder let go & her tongue was turning blue. She was gone.
We probably wouldn't have even been able to get her to the Animal Emergency Hospital, it happened so fast. And Chester & Jack both got a chance to say goodbye to her. They never did with Skeeter, since he was at the vet when it happened.
So we laid her to rest out next to Skeeter, wrapped in one of Randy's shirts like Skeeter is wrapped in one of mine. Morbid for a second - I was amazed at how fast she cooled off. I'm not sure how much time elapsed between Skeet's passing & us burying him, but he was still warm and pliable when I put him in his place. But he also had 20 lbs of insulation on him - where Maggie didn't. She'd been losing weight for the past couple months and it really showed on her tiny little frame.
Maggie's story
I took this one last Saturday - We'd gone out to lunch & dropped Angel off at dance and when we came home - Jack was pacing around & looking concerned. She'd taken over his crate!
We are definitely going to miss her. Randy was attached to her as much as I was with Skeeter. so he took it especially hard. But she's got good company up there!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Happy 15th of February!
Yay! It's over!!!
If I had to sum up Valentine's Day in one would be DISAPPOINTING. I was told Monday night that my darling husband didn't get me anything, except for {this} and gave me a kiss. And that he wasn't going to take me out to dinner until this weekend because of the crowds - and he knew I'd be OK with that because . . .
So anyway. On a happier note.....Planning is going well on the April A-Z Challenge!! I have already chosen a topic for each day for each blog, and in a couple cases, started writing & pre-scheduling the posts! There are a couple that I'm not entirely happy with... but I still have time to come up with alternate topics.
And even a happier note - how about those Red Wings???? Last night was home win #21 for an NHL record!!!

OK - I just got my belated gift.....a mini mouse for my laptop with a retractable cord! Guess I can give him the 1 lb Snickers bar that I found for him! LOL
Have a great day!
Friday, February 10, 2012
weigh in & minor rant
Well, I was up .2 lbs at weigh in last night.
I was really ticked at first until I remembered Superbowl Weekend happened. But other than that, I thought I'd stayed on plan pretty well. I'm doing well with doing my Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVDs at least 3 times a week (how do those people manage to smile the entire workout???)
I stayed for the meeting, even tho I was rather disgusted. As I was sitting there, I noticed the chart thingy that they use to explain the program to new people. There was a big ol' picture of Jennifer Hudson, which makes sense she's the spokesperson, do de doh de doh. Anyway - the quote that went with this gorgeous poster was "I get to look like this and all I have to do is track?"
This is the source for my rant. I have a hard time believing that someone who is rich and famous like JH actually has the time to go out grocery shopping and then actually cook for herself every day, like the rest of us nobodies do. I'm sure there are chefs and personal trainers involved in her looking as good as she does. Sure she may "track" what she eats, but someone else probably makes and perfectly portions out her meals. I know if I had her $$ that's what I would do!!
So anyway, I'm not going to take the weekend off of tracking this time. I am going to note everything I eat. I have a sinking feeling that processed foods may be the culprit, even if I put it in eTools. Crap! Quick meals like that are so easy and they usually make my picky family happy. GRRR.
So anyway....we finally are getting some snow!! It started late this morning & now it looks like we have about 3 inches out there. That's a drop in the bucket compared to what we're used to getting in SE Michigan.
Have a great weekend!!
I was really ticked at first until I remembered Superbowl Weekend happened. But other than that, I thought I'd stayed on plan pretty well. I'm doing well with doing my Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVDs at least 3 times a week (how do those people manage to smile the entire workout???)
I stayed for the meeting, even tho I was rather disgusted. As I was sitting there, I noticed the chart thingy that they use to explain the program to new people. There was a big ol' picture of Jennifer Hudson, which makes sense she's the spokesperson, do de doh de doh. Anyway - the quote that went with this gorgeous poster was "I get to look like this and all I have to do is track?"
This is the source for my rant. I have a hard time believing that someone who is rich and famous like JH actually has the time to go out grocery shopping and then actually cook for herself every day, like the rest of us nobodies do. I'm sure there are chefs and personal trainers involved in her looking as good as she does. Sure she may "track" what she eats, but someone else probably makes and perfectly portions out her meals. I know if I had her $$ that's what I would do!!
So anyway, I'm not going to take the weekend off of tracking this time. I am going to note everything I eat. I have a sinking feeling that processed foods may be the culprit, even if I put it in eTools. Crap! Quick meals like that are so easy and they usually make my picky family happy. GRRR.
So anyway....we finally are getting some snow!! It started late this morning & now it looks like we have about 3 inches out there. That's a drop in the bucket compared to what we're used to getting in SE Michigan.
Have a great weekend!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Friend Makin' Monday - Habits
This was a horrible - no tracking type weekend. Friday, management at work brought in huge subs for the "Super Bowl" lunch. The turkey sub on wheat bread wasn't too bad - it was the brownies. 'Nuff said! Friday night was a surprise 50th birthday party for my sister. I only had 2 Bud Lights, but the finger foods were my downfall. I also didn't drink enough water during the day. I woke up Saturday feeling like a dry human sponge. Saturday wasn't actually too bad. I dropped the girl & her friend off at dance, then made the rounds of several neat old cemeteries around town. Call me weird - I love looking at the old stones & cemeteries are just so peaceful. I did that for a good 3 hours! Got some awesome pics, too.
Then there was last night. It could have been worse. I made pizzas, so I was able to control the toppings on mine. I steamed up a bag of veggies & used those !! But over the course of the day I went thru probably half a tube of multi-grain, ranch Pringles. So maybe it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Luckily I'd forgotten to get any sweets when I went to the store, so that helped a LOT !!
So now it's that time!
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. Take a moment to answer this week’s question then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Then there was last night. It could have been worse. I made pizzas, so I was able to control the toppings on mine. I steamed up a bag of veggies & used those !! But over the course of the day I went thru probably half a tube of multi-grain, ranch Pringles. So maybe it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Luckily I'd forgotten to get any sweets when I went to the store, so that helped a LOT !!
So now it's that time!
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. Take a moment to answer this week’s question then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: Habits
- Are you proactive, or do you procrastinate? I do both. I make lists all the time, but will wait until the last minute to actually DO what is on the list. Is that considered premeditated procrastination?
- Do you eat breakfast everyday? If so, what’s a typical meal like? Yes. I usually take oatmeal to work with me. But sometimes I get horribly bored with that. I never eat it plain - sometimes I mix in frozen (but thawed) strawberries or peanut butter or even fat free French vanilla coffee creamer. On the weekends, we occasionally go out. Sometimes to Tim Hortons (I do get a donut, but get the egg white muffin sandwich with it) or to a little diner that has really good veggie omelets & will do substitutions with egg beaters & no cheese, etc. If we stay home, I'll do a bowl of cereal or a smoothie.
- How much time do you spend watching TV on an average day? On an average day, I'll watch none. But when I do, it's something like How Its Made, RuPaul's Drag Race or SNL.
- Do you talk on the phone, or do you prefer e-mail and/or text messages? If it is just a quick message, texting is fine. Anything longer and doesn't require an immediate reply, email. But if it involves Mom or my technological idiot sister - phone.
- Do you exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening? I prefer morning since I am a morning person. But if I can't do that - as soon as I get home from work. If I wait at all, I'll have a hard time getting motivated.
- Do you take time for yourself regularly? I guess so. I love my alone time after taking the girl to dance and before the hubby gets home. Sometimes I clean the house, sometimes I veg with the cats, sometimes I'll take the dog for a walk. Whatever happens to strike my fancy at the time.
- How often do you make your bed? Everyday. I've gotten the hubby in the habit since he's usually just getting out of bed when I leave in the morning. I'm happy if he even just pulls the covers up half-assed. Our cats have this unique talent of being able to hold kitty litter in their paws and can carry it thru the entire house & deposit it in the bed. So if the covers are up we don't get litter in the sheets!
- Do you plan meals? If so, how far in advance? I always make a brief menu before going to the grocery store. If I know what I'm making, I know exactly what I need and can get in & out quicker. It also creates a quick answer for the inevitable "what are we having tonight?"
- Do you wake up at the same time everyday? During the week the alarm goes off at 5:30, but I don't always get out of bed right away. I need to be up before 6 or it screws up my morning. Weekends we seem to naturally wake up between 8 & 9.
- How often do you brush your teeth?As soon as I get up and before bed. I floss without fail at night, since I tend to get stuff stuck between my teeth & it makes me crazy.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Thursday weigh in
I have to say it is a good thing I used the bathroom before weighing in tonight, or I probably wouldn't have had that 0.2 lb loss again. This is the second week in a row with that same amount. Hey, at least it is a loss!
I've been sticking right with tracking regularly. The phone alarm is ~awesome~. It would be better if I had a phone that supported apps, but until then...this will do.
OK, I had moment, I was thinking we'd already been thru 2 months of 2012, so I took measurements. The last time I took them was December 29, so it's only been 5 weeks. Oh well.
I've only lost a total of 2 lbs (better than nothing or a gain!)
-.75 inch off my waist
-.25 inch off my hips
-1.25 off my bust (but I can't remember if I wore a bra last time or not. I did this time.)
-.25 inch (each) off my upper arm and
-.5 inch (each) off my upper thigh
So that is a total of 3.75 inches!! I will take that!! Moving right along!
The hubby asked tonight what our food plans are for Super Bowl Sunday. Uhhhh, I don't know! I have a couple boxes of pizza crust mix that you just add water to, so I'm sure those will be consumed. I just need to stop and get appropriate toppings and other noms.
Just to throw that out there - we're not huge football fans, so I had no idea who was even playing until I just now looked. We like the commercials & halftime! put the Red Wings up for the Stanley Cup again? We are rabid fans!! LOL!
I've been sticking right with tracking regularly. The phone alarm is ~awesome~. It would be better if I had a phone that supported apps, but until then...this will do.
OK, I had moment, I was thinking we'd already been thru 2 months of 2012, so I took measurements. The last time I took them was December 29, so it's only been 5 weeks. Oh well.
I've only lost a total of 2 lbs (better than nothing or a gain!)
-.75 inch off my waist
-.25 inch off my hips
-1.25 off my bust (but I can't remember if I wore a bra last time or not. I did this time.)
-.25 inch (each) off my upper arm and
-.5 inch (each) off my upper thigh
So that is a total of 3.75 inches!! I will take that!! Moving right along!
The hubby asked tonight what our food plans are for Super Bowl Sunday. Uhhhh, I don't know! I have a couple boxes of pizza crust mix that you just add water to, so I'm sure those will be consumed. I just need to stop and get appropriate toppings and other noms.
Just to throw that out there - we're not huge football fans, so I had no idea who was even playing until I just now looked. We like the commercials & halftime! put the Red Wings up for the Stanley Cup again? We are rabid fans!! LOL!
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