Friday, March 18, 2022

Happy "Worm Moon"...?

I'm scraping for a post title here!  I missed out on a bunch of recent days that would have been good titles - 
March 1, the meteorological spring
Heck, Hello March in general!
3/13 was a Detroit thing (area code is 313 here)
3/14 was both Pi Day and would have been my Dad's 86th birthday

3/17 was St Patrick's Day...
and on that day in 1992 (30 years!!) I got on a bus and went to Downtown Detroit with a bunch of other people....raised my right hand and made the first step in one hell of a ride!
So that brings us to today.  March 18.  aka the "Worm Moon" - Tonight's full moon is thought to called that because the ground is warming up so earthworms are starting to appear.  Which indeed I did see a robin grab one when I took the Grandspawn out for a walk yesterday! 
It made it up to over 70* yesterday!!  
Random picture of a trucking company that I'm glad I don't work for!
This is a bakery in Ohio that supplies buns to Wendy's. 
The last weekend in February, we *finally* got to go see the Monster Trucks at Ford Field. 
I bought the tickets in January 2020 and it was postponed 4 times, thanks to Covid. 

BabyGirl did OK with her earmuffs.  LittleMan didn't like them at first, until he heard one of the trucks without them and it scared him.  So they stayed firmly on his melon for the rest of the night. 

You'd think after all these years of going to this event, the Spouse would remember that we need to get Downtown ~early~ if we want to go someplace to eat beforehand, especially when there's also a Red Wings game going on!  Needless to say, we missed close to half of the show.  But that's OK - the whole thing might have been much for the kids. 

March 6 was my niece's 1st wedding anniversary.  They had a backyard wedding last year, so they had their reception now.  It was a pretty fun time.  BabyGirl was totally overwhelmed by all the attention and noise and was screaming uncontrollably, so Spawn & the BabyDaddy left with her for a while, but LittleMan stayed with us - especially since he'd just met his first friend and we didn't want to take him away.  Another niece came up from Ohio and her little boy is 2 weeks older than LittleMan and they hit it right off. 
If this isn't the best pic of a little pair of partners in crime, I don't know what is!

So that's about it.  Tomorrow I'll be spending the day doing wilderness first aid with my SAR team, then we're getting together for the annual St. Pats "girls night out".  It's basically, Mom & the sisters (and me) & whatever nieces are available.  We wear all of our green & we'll go out to dinner, then we go back to Sis 1's house and we'll play games and drink some adult beverages.  We spend the night & we'll head home Sunday sometime.  It's a fun time.  Playing things like Cards Against Humanities with my 85+ year old mom is hysterical (and sometimes disturbing!!)  
I'm not doing an "official" Feline Friday post, but this would have been my contribution. 
Rusty is the Goodest Boi, when he's not being annoying, that is!

So anyway - its getting late and I haven't even started getting my stuff together for tomorrow - and I still want to watch RuPaul's Drag Race!  


Monday, March 7, 2022

2022 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

After a 2 year hiatus.... I'm back! 

In 2020, I was really stressed out from (among other things, like the state of the world) the Spouse & I both getting laid off from work in late March and I had no idea of a theme or anything, so I messaged one of the challenge moderators and asked them to please take me off the list.  It felt like a huge weight came off my shoulders.

In 2021, I noticed in late March that my blog wasn't on the master list, even tho I knew I'd signed up!  But then me, the Spouse & the Spawn (who was pregnant with grandspawn #2) all came down with Covid.  None of us had it terribly bad, but I had it the worst out of the 3.  So it was pretty much a given that I didn't do the challenge.  I simply wasn't up for it. 

I started doing the A to Z Challenge back in 2012 and I jumped right in with 3 blogs!  
I had this blog, one dedicated to my weight loss journey and one that's all Halloween, all the time.     
I did all 3 in 2013, too.  In 2014, I dropped the Halloween blog, because I also do the Countdown to Halloween which is blogging every day in October.  It was getting to be a bit much. 
2015 was also just the 2 blogs.  Then I combined them into what you see now so 2016 - 2019 was just done here. 

I have a tab up above with all my past topics and I have to say my favorite theme was in 2015 when I told sea stories from when I was in the Navy. 

Anyhoo, my theme is a recurring one in my world....
It'll be whatever interests me, or makes me happy, or just happens to pop into my head!
I have a large family, I'm on a search & rescue team, I'm a US Navy vet - I'll have no shortage of topics!

Come along for the ride! 
I should mention - my last name is Love, that's where the name of this blog comes from!

Friday, March 4, 2022

Feline Friday #4

I'm fashionably late to the party, but I still made it!

Thank you Sandee at Comedy Plus for being in charge of this!

Here's Rusty loving his tiny humans
February 2020 / November 2021

There may be a tiny bit of jealousy involved, since Rusty always has to be where we are - especially when the little ones are involved.  He's been grabbed, manhandled & slobbered on so much, but he's still in the midst of the chaos!

Can't forget today's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge! Thanks again to Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs and Ellen of 15andmeowing for these!

1. I would rather smell a skunk than smell _________.
2. Every March I look forward to _________.
3. I knew _________ the moment that _________.
4. _________ is currently my silver lining.

1. I would rather smell skunk than smell wet dog + skunk! We used to have a Beagle that tangled with skunks a few times. Ew.
2. Every March I look forward to winter being over!
In fact I was looking in my flower beds this afternoon and saw some tulips starting to sprout!
3. Hmmm. Drawing a blank on this one!
4. The Spouse is currently (more like always!) my silver lining.

Happy Weekend, ya'll!