Oooooo, my Blogger updated! It's funky now! I thought it was odd that I didn't notice anything different when I "switched over" a while back. Guess because it probably didn't switch until now. I'm assuming it's only the behind-the-scenes stuff that's different now. It's not user friendly at all!
Please let me know if anything seems wonky!
So yeah. It's been 53 days since I've been laid off from work. I've had exactly one email from my boss, letting me know they haven't forgotten about me - gee thanks. And I text the office manager once a week to remind her to water my couple plants that I left there. She's been calling me about once a week to check up on us. I've been in contact with 2 other coworkers - actually 1 coworker, since the other found out she was being terminated. And she found out by seeing her job listed on ZipRecruiter!!! How crappy is that???? Anyway, she applied for it!

I would have loved to see their reaction when they realized who was applying for that position!
Anyhoo. Nothing exciting has been going on. We've been having off & on decent weather so I've been getting outside whenever I can. I've still been working on stuff for Halloween. I've cut out 13 new headstones. I repainted ALL of my old "stones" and Spawn got a good start putting the silly epitaphs back on them.
I really thought about tossing all my old cheap foam stones since they don't go with the "aesthetic" of my cemetery. But for shitz & gigglez, I decided to post a pic of them on the Motor City Haunt Club Facebook page and see if anyone wanted them. I was honestly surprised at the interest! The first girl who commented was over within an hour to pick them up. And judging by how she was dressed, they're going to a good home! She had skeleton leggings on, hand earrings, a coffin purse (which was pretty freakin' cool, actually) and a black widow on the side of her car in front of the doors, etc.
I brought 4 of the stones in last night because I used Gorilla glue to add some things on them and wanted them plenty of time to set up & cure where it wasn't cool & damp. 2 of 3 cats had issues with this strange stuff being on the kitchen table! Maddie kept trying to lead us into the kitchen while meowing (that's her way of telling us something is wrong in her world) and Rusty jumped up there and acted like he couldn't believe his eyes / nose!
We got to see the Blue Angels fly over Detroit on Tuesday. They were supposed to flyover with the Thunderbirds last week but that got postponed due to crappy weather.

This photo is from the Detroit News as they pass the Renaissance Center downtown. We only got a quick glimpse of them thru the trees from our patio.
Then yesterday we got to see the "Michigan Strong" flyover from the Selfridge Air National Guard base not far from here.

These are was a KC-135 and 3 A-10s this time. The spouse was able to track the KC135 on some program he has on his laptop so we knew when they were getting close. We also saw them thru the trees, but at least we saw them!
Then Sunday was Mother's Day. Spawn & I took BabyBoy over the my Mom's for a "social distance" visit. She loves being able to see one of her great-grandbabies since the other 4 all live out of state! The Spouse stayed home since he occasionally gets burst blood vessels in his eye and of course it happened Saturday. It looks really nasty! Like the whole white of his eye will be red.
BabyBoy had his 4 month appointment yesterday.
27 inches tall, 17lb 11oz!
And he got the clearance to start rice cereal & stage 1 baby foods.
Maddie wasn't a fan of him barely touching her....
While Rusty intentionally puts himself where he is going to get kicked!
I was supposed to go out with my search & rescue team this weekend for an evidence search / hopeful recovery but the stay-at-home order got pushed out longer so it's also been pushed out until next month. I was looking forward to getting some time in on a search! Ppppbth.
So that's about all the excitement going on around here. It's actually after midnight now, so I should change the title to 54 days.... but oh well!

And some cuteness for the road....
Even tho I was in the Navy, I am OK with him wearing camo!
Yeah I hate the new blogger! You can still use classic just not sure for how much longer! Looks like a wonderful Mothers day for you!! Stay safe