I am linking up with the lovely ladies Lindsay, Beth & Charlotte at the Peaceful Posse. There's too much crap & negativity in the world, so these are all positive / happy / grateful posts in this linkup.
Holy crap - I didn't even write a Veteran's Day post this year!! Sheesh. I'm slacking. Guess because I was too busy shoveling the 9+ inches of snow that got dumped on us Monday.
At least it's pretty!
We got another inch plus over night.
Sunday, Randy & I went out to sister Laurie's to get the grandbaby's dresser that's been in her garage for a month or two. And we stayed to help her do some stuff around her house to get ready for winter - that ended up taking a lot longer than expected, and we still had to work on our own yard! We got home and blew leaves out of the gutters and the front yard, got all the flowerpots emptied & stashed in the shed. The patio furniture & garden hose got put away. And the last thing we did - after dark, of course, was cut down a branch in the tree out front that was hanging in front of the awning.
We got done just in time. I drove to work Monday in a light coating, but it was nasty coming home! And I had a doctor's appointment to get to.
Ya know - I don't think I ever mentioned it! I finally went to get my knees checked out! They took x-rays and thought they saw a possible bone chip in my left and sent me for an MRI on it. I had that last week. This one was to talk about the results. No bone chip, but there is a small tear in my meniscus and I have osteoarthritis in both of them. So I'm opting to do physical therapy, if I ever remember to call and set up an appointment.
We had a beautiful sunrise Tuesday, tho.
We've had a busy week, so it's nice to sit here & chill for a while. Monday we got all that snow. I've been going to a class to upgrade my amateur radio license on Tuesday nights. I'm nearing the end of the 12 week course and the test is December 3. Wednesday was supposed to be my WW meeting to learn about the new program and then a VFW meeting and I skipped out on both. Randy left yesterday for Arkansas, so Wed night was the only night we had to get furniture moved around in Angel's room. I needed him there for that, since Angel couldn't help move her heavy desk out into the garage or that equally heavy dresser in from the back of my car.
So I went to WW last night & that's when she decided to text me about how does someone know if they have hemorrhoids or not.

Yes - I laughed!
Because I can relate.
So we went on a quest for Preparation H and medicated wipes and also for storage bags that you suck the air our of for the multitude of dance costumes that she has.

Yes - I laughed!
Because I can relate.
So we went on a quest for Preparation H and medicated wipes and also for storage bags that you suck the air our of for the multitude of dance costumes that she has.
34 weeks & her furry orange hemorrhoid.
(He's not the one she's trying to remove.)
Today at work we were supposed to wear our "team colors" because the Michigan State / University of Michigan game is this weekend. The owner of the company and all his sisters (department heads) went to State, so they mess with anyone who dares wear blue & maize.
My contribution to the board in the conference room is in red, down in the corner - LOL! I usually wear something with the Razorbacks since I don't have a preference in Michigan rivalry and I figure in my world, husband outranks work.
Apparently the baseboard heater can get quite hot - and the hot water pipes aren't covered in the back of Angel's closet. This is the garment bag with my wedding dress in it! Luckily my dress is OK.
And I tried it on, for shitz & gigglez. I am approximately the same size I was when I wore it, since I couldn't get it zipped up. And for my wedding (in 2006) I was sucked into a corset.
That's depressing.
I went to Joann Fabrics on the way home tonight to get the fixin's for a craft project I want to do and found these adorable ugly Christmas sweater earrings! I love me some funky earrings!
Oh - the project I want to do?
I'm going to make Chuck a turkey costume for Thanksgiving!
So that's all that going on around here. Randy safely got to his buddy's house in Arkansas. Angel has to work in the morning, so I will be either going to the gym for a bit since I haven't been there in way too long - or I'll start doing some cleaning / purging in this house.
Ugh. Choices.
They both need to be done, but there's only one of me!
The vet is coming out to Laurie's house sometime tomorrow to do some dental work on one of the horses and he'll likely need to be sedated. I offered to go if she needed help. I'm hoping she doesn't call, but if she does that's where I'll go.
But for now - I have kitties telling me it's time to crawl into bed. And I believe them!
Stay warm everyone!
This is what I have to look forward to.